Jordan Bach On The Power Of Gratitude

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Jordan Bach On The Power Of Gratitude

MA - Many scientific studies, including research by renowned psychologists Robert Emmons and Michael McCullough, have found that people who consciously focus on gratitude experience greater emotional well-being and physical health than those who don’t. Key benefits include: greater optimism and happiness, increased self-esteem and decreased stress, anxiety and depression.

I wanted to go deeper into the subject so I reached out to Jordan Bach to ask how he uses the power of gratitude in his life and the importance he places on it.

Jordan is a well known life coach, motivational speaker, blogger and certified yoga and meditation teacher. Jordan has been recognised as one of the most influential speakers on the modern spiritual scene.

MA - How have you used the power of gratitude in your life? 

JB – “Gratitude is a big word; its meaning and practical application in life is almost obscured by how big-feeling the word itself is. Here’s what gratitude looks like in everyday life: you’re upset about something and the whole world seems inhospitable to you. Maybe you lost a relationship or a job, or maybe you’re tired of being sick, tired, and poor. But as soon as you start looking around for things to appreciate, everything changes. Suddenly, you see that life is actually working in your favor. All it takes to experience this shift is an intentional choice to look for good things.

Whenever I’m feeling lost or stuck or angry in life, I try to identify a few things that are working and then feel the good feelings that they bring up inside me. Right now, you can write down three specific things you appreciate and it will change the course of your day.”

Joy follows gratitude, not the other way around
— Jordan Bach

MA - What is the most important thing people should know or understand about the power of gratitude?

JB –“ Joy follows gratitude, not the other way around. Don’t wait for something joyful to happen to you before you appreciate your life. Appreciate your life now and joy will come. Just as Glinda said to Dorothy, “You’ve had the power all along, my dear."”

MA - I know it works for me and that’s coming from someone who is in recovery from addiction, generalised anxiety disorder and depression. When my head gets into a funky place (and it still can after 11 years sober and being predominantly free from anxiety and depression), it’s one of the first things I do.


  • Right now, you can write down three specific things you appreciate and it will change the course of your day

  • Joy follows gratitude, not the other way around